August 28, 2024

Why Buy New

August 28, 2024

Why Buy New

It’s always easy to think about cutting costs. Finding a more efficient way to get what you need without the large investment that often comes with buying something new. A used golf club instead of a brand new one sounds good in principle, until you start hitting bad shots that end up everywhere except the middle of the fairway. And spray booths are no different. Buying a used one can also cause things to go a little offline with unexpected breakdowns, downtime, and unforeseen costs.

Here are some of the common pitfalls you need to look out for if you’re looking at buying a used spray booth:

  • The CONDITION of a used spray booth. Like anything used, it’s hard to determine how the spray booth was maintained by the previous owner – they may have been expanding or even going out of business. That’s why we test drive used cars – to make sure they’re in the condition we expect them to be in.
  • Lack of DOCUMENTATION. Often, the manuals for used spray booths get lost in the day to day of running a business. Without the proper manuals, careful attention to detail is needed to ensure each component of the spray booth is assembled properly when purchased on the used market. Lack of Canadian certification can also lead to costly upgrades, and third-party expenses, such as the drawings required for city permits.
  • Careful TEARDOWN is required to ensure there is no damage to any of the spray booth components when purchasing a used booth. Components, like fans, motors and electrical parts can be challenging to disassemble and reassemble, so be aware of this if purchasing a used spray booth.
  • Experience in PACKAGING a spray booth is important to avoid damage to thin metal panels, glass and light fixtures.
  • SHIPPING costs can be extensive when getting a used spray booth delivered. Large crates and logistical hurdles make delivery challenging even under the smoothest of circumstances.
  • REASSEMBLY of a used spray booth is time consuming, especially if parts have not been properly labelled. Additional costs can be incurred for replacement control panels and ductwork which often do not make it through the disassembly process.
  • Ongoing MAINTENANCE concerns, including finding parts for dated booths, and updating doors and filter panels, can significantly offset any initial cost savings on a used booth.

When considering a used spray booth keep the above risks in mind and know what you’re getting yourself into. Sometimes you find that magical fit on a used golf club, but most times, custom fit, new and improved is the most effective way to go. To find your custom fit spray booth, contact ALBERTA BOOTH today.

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