When It Comes to Spray Booth Maintenance... Practice Makes Perfect
It’s an old line that you have probably heard before – ‘practice makes perfect’. But it doesn’t just apply to learning a new skill, it applies to business practices as well.
Paint booths are an important part of auto body, woodworking and industrial shops, allowing for faster and safer application of paint, high quality finishes with less toxic fumes and a clean repair environment. But notwithstanding all of these benefits, avoiding potential costly downtime is also important. To avoid that downtime, the following are some suggested best practices that you can implement to maintaining a quality spray booth. Remember, a booth operating at optimum efficiency results in lower production costs and a safe environment for workers.
REDUCE CONTAMINATION – Take steps to reduce dust and dirt getting into the booth from the workshop floor. Reducing traffic in and out of the work area during spraying, avoiding sanding inside the booth, sealing entries, frames and openings, as well as maintaining a daily cleaning routine are all important steps to keep a spray booth in tip top condition.
CHANGE FILTERS – Make sure filters are changed regularly to ensure effective ventilation and less contamination. High quality filters are recommended.
ROUTINE INSPECTIONS – Schedule daily, weekly and monthly maintenance inspections. Check booth pressure, look for signs of damage, leaks, ductwork issues, fans, filters and ensure testing is done, as required.
BOOTH PROTECTION PRODUCTS – Protect the inside of your booth from overspray with a wide selection of booth protection products.
DEEP CLEANING – Implement a 2-step cleaning process. 1) Before cleaning, power down, close all vents, switch off fans and remove filters for washing; 2) Wearing the appropriate PPE, clean the booth using a scrub brush and paint remover for smaller booths and a pressure washer for larger booths - always remember to rinse thoroughly.
MEASURE AND MAINTAIN CLEARANCE TIMES – Include a clearance time smoke test in an annual maintenance plan, post the time on the booth and ensure sprayers are aware of the clearance time and associated safety requirements.
PPE – It’s not just the booth that requires maintenance. Always test and maintain respiratory protection equipment as part of a maintenance program. Check for damage, clean air lines and signs of overspray.
FOLLOW THE MANUFACTURER’S MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE – The schedule will likely include guidance on how to inspect, clean and replace key parts of the booth (like filters). Alternatively, let Alberta Booth provide you with a comprehensive Repair and Maintenance Package, with Standard, Enhanced and Premium service plans available.
An improperly maintained spray booth can cause things like worker sick leave, low workforce morale, higher insurance premiums and even litigation. The bottom line is a poorly maintained booth results in extra and often unexpected costs. But, if you follow some or all of the tips outlined above, your practice will result in a more perfect spray booth and a more perfect work environment for you and all of your team. To find your custom fit spray booth or to find a repair and maintenance partner, contact Alberta Booth today.
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There are two types of people in the world; those who love a checklist and those who detest a checklist. Whatever side you are on there is no denying the benefit of a checklist when it comes to regular maintenance. With many moving pieces in business a checklist is a solid strategy to efficiently manage your equipment and team.